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Aion System Functions

Various Aion system functions for dealing with registry keys, installation path ... More...


struct  aion_reg_keys


#define RE_SYSTEM_OVR   "^ *([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *= *\"?([0-9]+)\"?"


static bool aion_get_sysovr_path (char *sysovr_path, size_t sysovr_pathsz)
char * aion_default_install_path (void)
bool aion_chatlog_is_enabled (bool *isenabled)
bool aion_chatlog_enable (void)


struct aion_reg_keys aion_install_reg_keys []

Detailed Description

Various Aion system functions for dealing with registry keys, installation path ...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define RE_SYSTEM_OVR   "^ *([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *= *\"?([0-9]+)\"?"

Pattern for matching system.ovr values

Function Documentation

bool aion_chatlog_enable ( void  )

Enable the chatlog feature of the Aion game client

This function enables the chatlog feature of the Aion game client by writing "g_chatlog=1" in the system.ovr file. If system.ovr does not exist it is created, otherwise the string is appended at the end of the file.

Return values
trueIf chatlog was successfully enabled
falseIf an error occurred
bool aion_chatlog_is_enabled ( bool *  isenabled)

Check if the chatlog feature of the Aion game client is enabled.

[out]isenabledTrue if the chatlog is enabled, false otherwise
Return values
trueOn success (this doesn't mean that the chatlog is enabled)
falseError, unable to verify if the chatlog is enabled.
char* aion_default_install_path ( void  )

Retrieve the Aion default installation path

If APME_AION_PATH is set, it is used as the default installation path for Aion. Otherwise the registry is scanned for known registry keys used by the game client.

Installation path or NULL on error.
bool aion_get_sysovr_path ( char *  sysovr_path,
size_t  sysovr_pathsz 

Figure out the full path of the system.ovr file

[out]sysovr_pathCharacter buffer pointing to the full system.ovr path
[in]sysovr_pathszSize of the buffer pointed to by sysovr_path
Return values
trueOn success
falseOn error

Variable Documentation

struct aion_reg_keys aion_install_reg_keys[]
Initial value:
"SOFTWARE\\AION Free-To-Play",

Aion install path registry keys

These point to various registry paths used by the Aion game client. APme uses hese ones to retrieve the installation folder where the chat log is located.